Sattva Yoga Academy is the premiere global destination for Yoga, Ayurveda, Meditation and Spiritual Transformation. If you are ready to live fully and be radically alive, you have come to the right place. The mother ship of the global Sattva Yoga movement and community, Sattva Yoga Academy is home to Sattva Yogis from all across the world. We are just not another yoga school handing out yoga certificates like a factory. At Sattva Yoga Academy, you are going to experience the best that the path of yoga has to offer.
No matter which program you choose, you will leave here transformed and more connected to the Truth of who you are. This is for the authentic yogi. The courses, retreats and experiences here at Sattva Yoga Academy are authentic, transformative, rich, detailed and full of Passion. No matter who you are, you will find something for you at Sattva Yoga Academy. This is your home away from home. For us Yoga is not what we do, it is who we are. Authentic, Dynamic, Connected and Compassionate.
The vibrancy and intensity of Sattva Yoga Academy study is enriching and evolving, a ‘yoga yatra’ of watching yourself unfold during the course of study.
Sattva in Sanskrit Means Whole.
That is the path of Sattva Yoga. Sattva Yoga is one of the most comprehensive approaches to yoga in the world today. With its roots in the timeless Vedantic and Tantric Traditions Sattva Yoga was developed in the Himalayas after years of study and research. Sattva Yoga incorporates all essential practices and teachings of yoga in a radically holistic and powerful way. The practice incorporates contemporary evolution in science and mind-body research.
Sattva Yoga path offers a unique and potent practice that includes physical postures Hatha Yoga (Static and Dynamic variations of all poses/asanas. Principle poses of Hatha with their variations, mastering of vinyasa Flows and principles of Cosmic Alignment), powerful breathwork techniques, Kundalini kriyas coming from the Tantric tradition, Naad Practices (understanding and use of sound as a tool for transformation and healing, including the use of mantras and music), Meditation technique and purpose, Tantric transformative practices, chanting, freedom movement and radical wisdom.
These practices are designed to awaken each practitioner to their true nature. They increase strength, build vitality and create mental clarity. They help raise our consciousness and enable us to live a life full of joy and possibility.

Sattva Yoga is a Way of Living by Example.
Sattva Yoga cares deeply about coming together to have a sense of community, of truth, a sense of sacred relationship within the community. The community can be stronger than individuals when we tap into each other’s capacity to evolve. Sattva Yoga also cares deeply about environmental consciousness; Sattva Yogis have a sense of responsibility for our planet and all creatures, deep compassion for all beings.
It is a practice of opening mind and heart to the brilliance of life. The Sattva Yoga practice offers you tools and techniques to address and transform all 5 layers (Koshas) of the human body. Annamaya Kosha (outermost layer, body of food, muscular-skeletal structure with other organ systems), Pranamaya Kosha (Body of Energy, subtle energetic flows within and without), Manamaya Kosha (body of thought, feelings and emotion), Gyanmaya Kosha (body of belief systems, conditioning and innate wisdom), Anandamaya Kosha (body of bliss, love, connection, silence). A Sattva Yogi learns and masters practical techniques that align all the layers of his/her being.
Sattva Yoga is the Experience of Aliveness, Where Both Stillness and Movement Exist at the Same Time.
Sattva Yoga is the experiencing and sharing of liberation and freedom on every level of our existence. Sattva Yoga absorbs ever new ways of being. Sattva Yoga is alive.
On the path of Sattva Yoga, individuals live life as a practice. A Sattva Yogi is always a student, even as a teacher. A Sattva Yogi is committed to the path, a sincere practitioner.
Sattva Yoga is a complete path to create an experience of wholeness in the individual and the collective. Sattva Yoga, developed in the Himalayas, has now spread around the world to the United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Kazakhstan, India, and elsewhere.

- Sattva Yoga is freedom, movement, depth, stillness, transcendence, joy, compassion, grace, and truth. Sattva Yoga is the experience of non-duality, where both stillness and dynamism exist at the same time.
- Sattva Yoga is the experiencing and sharing of liberation and freedom on every level of our existence. It is coming together for that common purpose and to end the conflict in our lives.
- Sattva Yoga includes and transcends all branches of yoga, it is simultaneously a whole and a part, and by this fact of the coming together, a new layer of intelligence is occurring. Sattva Yoga absorbs ever new ways of being.
The Teaching and Tradition
Teachings at the Sattva Yoga Academy are holistic, integrative, and deeply transformative for all aspects of human existence. The ever-evolving practice at the core of the teachings is both ancient and modern. Rooted in the rich Vedantic and Tantric traditions of the Himalayas, the teachings integrate radical and relevant wisdom with meditation, breathwork, techniques, deepening connection and devotion through Laya and Bhakti practices, the Chakra healing power of sound, free movement, and Hatha Yoga asanas.
Sattva teachings are not separate from life, but rather are a practical, systematic science of enlightenment and evolution of consciousness. Thus, Sattva practice goes well beyond the yoga mat and includes and infuses all areas and aspects of life. Students experience radical transformation and learn how to experience enlightened living.
The trainings at Sattva Yoga Academy are not limited to any one aspect of Yoga. To study only one aspect of Yoga in isolation would not represent the tradition at all. And so the teachings at Sattva Yoga Academy are taught as an integrated whole that includes all the avenues, all the channels, of the teachings.
Sattva Meditation Technique
Meditation is a fundamental foundation practice. The Sattva Meditation Technique is a Kriya-based, Mantra-based system. It is a seated meditation practice, a technique stemming from the Himalayan Yog-Vedantic Tradition. Sattva Meditation Technique is a comprehensive, simple and effective technique which consists of Breathwork, Kriya and Mantra. When practiced 20-30 minutes twice daily, it can benefit all aspects of oneself.
An Integrative Practice
Sattva Yoga is an integrative practice of opening mind and heart to the brilliance of life. The Sattva Yoga practice offers you tools and techniques to address and transform all layers of the human body. A Sattva Yogi learns and masters practical techniques that align all the layers of his/her being. Sattva Yoga is a complete path to create an experience of wholeness in the individual and the collective. The teachings of Sattva Yoga Academy have been developed in the Himalayas and have now spread around the world to every continent.
Sattva Yoga Academy has the yogic philosophy woven into all the teachings and offerings with the aim of creating a diverse group of yoga leaders, visionaries, and entrepreneurs. We pride ourselves on a quality approach assessing the readiness of a student before issuing their certification. There is a deep focus on the state of consciousness of our participants. We are devoted to bringing the most sincere, connected and evolved teachers forward to the world.
Every Sattva graduate is unique in that he or she is a master in their own right – inspiring and transforming people through their work, their teachings, and their presence. They are all leaders and at the same time a deep part of a growing awakened global community.
Sattva teachers are first and foremost humble and graceful students of Yoga who are committed to growth, evolution, and expansion in all areas of their existence. They serve in many ways. Sattva teachers teach and inspire through their own example by leading purposeful lives, serving and leading unconditionally and without a title. As the teachings at the Sattva Yoga Academy cover all aspects of life, Sattva teachers can share the wisdom of Sattva in innumerable ways. Many graduates of the Sattva Yoga Academy share Sattva teachings while serving in their roles as life coaches, trainers, meditation instructors, yoga teachers, retreat facilitators, company leaders in business and industry, healers, peacemakers, artists, designers, and engineers. Sattva teachers show up consciously wherever they are and have a sense of responsibility and deep compassion for and unity with the entire universe, especially all beings and our planet. Regardless of how Sattva teachers choose to express the teachings, they gracefully embody the very essence of Yoga – living in Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss.
Sattva Family
Sattva Family Principles of the Practice
Sattva Yoga is a complete path, to create an experience of wholeness in the individual and the collective. Sattva Yoga was developed in the Himalayas over a decade ago and has now spread around the world. Sattva Yoga includes ancient yogic techniques as well as current evolutionary practices to create a clear path for the individual to experience a full, healthy, abundant, and joyous life.
Sattva Yoga is an ever-evolving and inclusive practice of meditation, kriya, asana, movement, pranayama, radical aliveness, and timeless wisdom. It is an integrated approach to yoga.
Sattva Yoga integrates the science of Hatha and Kriya Yoga from ancient lineages, incorporating Vinyasa Chikitsa (Purification) sequencing, so each journey has a subtle cellular shift, dynamic mind-body experience, as well as a mindful meditative experience.
On the path of Sattva Yoga, individuals live life as a practice. A Sattva Yogi is always a student, even as a teacher. A Sattva Yogi is committed to the path, a sincere practitioner.